Most cheer mixes are energetic.

But are they musical and dynamic?

We create music mixes for anyone who lives by 8 counts.

We all know the basic ingredients of a good cheer mix: speeding up songs, adding an energetic beat, and stringing songs together into a mix.

We take it further.

Our mixes are musical.

We’re here to give your choreographers some creative opportunities to showcase what your squad can do. Some moments in a routine call for a million sounds going on at once. Other moments in the same routine call for clarity so you and the judges can hear the soul of the song.

Songs that are next to each other have to love each other. Our songwriting and musical backgrounds help us to keep those transitions friendly, paying attention to how each song musically relates to the next one. And just in case 2 back-to-back songs have a love-hate relationship, we’ve got creative ways of making songs get along with each other!

Our mixes are dynamic.

An entire mix at a single energy level isn’t going to excite your audience (maybe at first, but not for long). We love crafting little strategic dips and peaks at all the right places. Your choreographer will love the chance to play with the fun dynamic changes that we build into every cheer mix.

Expand, contract. Rise up, hit and peak. A little breath and then something huge. Your cheer routine turns into a fun and exciting joyride with 8CA handling the soundtrack!




Every team is different. Maybe your squad shines best with a tried-and-true style of music mix–controlled tempo for tumbling, sound effects to highlight stunts, and a high energy dance section.


Our mixes make sure that your choreography and the music love each other. We always design and edit songs in terms of 8 counts, so both your team and the judges will have no trouble following the roadmap of your routine. And when you need lyrics or sections highlighted, our remixing skills will help you stand out and leave a huge impression on the audience.



If your team’s goals and personalities demand musical innovation–or if you’re just in the mood for some extra creativity and freshness–our mixes can help you break free from the pack.


Unique song choices…daring transitions that work with your choreography…dramatic buildups, peaks, and releases…beats and sound effects that don’t sound like everyone else’s. Our remixing skills deliver you a musical soundtrack that the judges won’t forget.






There’s more than one recipe for a killer cheer routine mix.


Some teams like to map out every 8-count, pick every song and the edit points. That’s where we step in to weave everything together into a single musical idea that fits your choreography, tumbling, and stunts.


Or maybe you’ve got a couple songs in mind and a general outline of what your routine will kinda sorta look like. Your style needs the music before the choreography develops. We’ll find the right songs for your vision, and we’ll remix them the right way.


That’s because we understand song structure and music production. Songwriting, recording, and mixing skills takes us way beyond the mindset of your average prom or wedding DJ.


Anyone can cut songs to sound cool.


8 Count Audio cuts and rearranges music to help you create awesome cheer routines.

The pricing.

We’re committed to being affordable and accessible so that every cheer team, everywhere, can look & sound great on the competition mat.

  • We don’t charge by the hour…
  • …or by the seconds and 8-counts in your mix
  • A $50 deposit gets you started on the way to a customized competition mix!
  • We’ll send you an invoice once you’ve approved any revisions…
  • …but we’ll support you all season long with free revisions in most cases!
  • Flexible payment options, including installments, POs, and Paypal

[qode_pricing_tables columns=”four_columns” number=”four_columns”][qode_pricing_table title=”Starter Pack” price_font_weight=”” active=”no” price=”89″ currency=”$” price_period=”per 6-element mix” price_title=”STANDARD” content_background_color=”#fafafa” title_background_color=”#4d2244″]

  • keep the crowd focused on YOU, not your edits!
  • simply 3 songs, sped up, with beats underneath
  • includes basic intro and ending sounds
  • clean up language to meet school standards

[/qode_pricing_table][qode_pricing_table title=”Add-ons” price_font_weight=”” active=”no” price=”+12″ currency=”$” price_period=”per additional element” price_title=”BUSINESS” content_background_color=”#fafafa” title_background_color=”#4d2244″]

  • smoothly add on more songs and transition 8-counts!
  • an element can be a song, beats underneath that song…
  • …transition 8-counts, elaborate intros and endings…
  • …sounds and voice work that adds excitement to your choreo!

[/qode_pricing_table][qode_pricing_table title=”Using cover songs?” price_font_weight=”” active=”no” price=”20″ currency=”$” price_period=”per cover song” price_title=”PREMIUM” button_size=”large” content_background_color=”#fafafa” title_background_color=”#820844″]Need us to get those cover songs you found?

  • if you didn’t buy them, we’ll buy them and work on them…without a markup
  • typically $20 from 3rd party vendors
  • editing & speeding up a cover is a $9 add-on (just like any other element)
  • fixing up and remixing a cover involves as many add-ons as you want (add a beat, improve that bassline, add instruments and sounds)

[/qode_pricing_table][qode_pricing_table title=”Need a revision?” price_font_weight=”” active=”no” price=”0″ currency=”$” price_period=”free all season long” price_title=”ULTIMATE” content_background_color=”#fafafa” title_background_color=”#820844″]

  • things change throughout the year!
  • feel free to have us fix a transition or the sound of a song
  • feel free to swap out one song for another
  • as long as we’re not adding new elements, revisions are free all season!
  • but if we need to buy another cover song, we’ll pass along that price to you, but without marking it up!
