Featured Team: Glenbard South Raiderettes
by Norm Ramil / 8ca.music.person & dance.fan
Pretty much in the middle of DuPage County, Glen Ellyn has two high schools where academics are just as celebrated as sports. Glenbard South’s dance program has been around and competing for decades, with the teams enjoying flashes of success here and there over the years. Trips to state weren’t exactly the norm, but you’d usually see the Raiderettes competing hard at comps throughout the season.
Last season looked different, though, kind of like when someone you know walks in with a slightly different haircut. The Raiderettes’ elegant jazz/lyrical routine had lots of elements and emotion that weren’t always there in previous seasons, and the synchro and confidence inched in the right direction during those long December and January weekends. I could tell that something good was happening on the south end of Glen Ellyn and Wheaton, part of the wave of upward-moving DuPage County dance teams.
OK, maybe I’m sounding too proud, and here’s why: Glenbard South always has my heart because I went there a longggg time ago! But even back then I gained quite a sense of respect and admiration for my friends on poms. I remember how they complained (and were proud of) early morning practices matched with after school ones, so they’d show up and leave South before sunrise and after sunset in the winter!
Football and basketball, parades, trying super hard just to be competitive at competitions, and also just being busy and high-achieving students…my years at South were when I first got hooked on how amazing dancers are. And it’s where I first started to understand that there’s good reason to be excited for teams without having to worship stats, scores, or trophy cases.
So there. The Glenbard South Raiderettes aren’t just a featured team, but an 8 Count Audio home team! Here’s how a smaller but long-standing program gets things done…

Official Team Name:
Upstate 8
Haley Kruis
Team Breakdown:
15 varsity & 15 JV dancers
3 Senior
4 Junior
5 Sophomores
3 Freshmen
Thank you to Coach Kruis for a nicely formatted Word document! Here’s our email interview with her and returning senior Stela Lito:
What are your team’s strengths and what are you hoping to improve on this season?
Senior Stela Lito: We’re always working on new technique and trying to better our team as a whole! Working on turns in seconde is always a team goal because turning in unison is one of the greatest things to accomplish.
Coach Haley Kruis: I can tell from tryouts that we are strong in our pirouettes and jumps. I’m excited to see this team turn together as a whole unit. There is truly room for improvement in every area. There is a fire within this team and I know that they are ready to work hard to reach their goals.
What categories or styles of dance will you compete in?
Coach HK: We will be competing a lyrical and jazz routine. JV will be doing a jazz as well. These may change as we are learning our routines at the end of July.
What skills do dancers need to try out for this team?
HK: We ask to see splits (right, left, center), leaps (right, left, center), single, double and triple (or more, if possible) pirouettes, turns in second (at least 3) into a double, turning jumps (calypso, disc and turning C). They also perform a jazz routine that was created by the graduating seniors from the past year. In order to make varsity, we look for dancers who are in the 4-5 range (out of 5) on all of the skills and performance.

Do a lot of your girls have a technical/studio background?
HK: Our team is made up of both studio trained dancers and self taught dancers. A little over half of varsity is studio trained dancers this year, the other half learned skills while on JV and worked their way up. We do highly recommend taking studio classes during the fall and winter season.
What’s the process of team-building like throughout the summer?
SL: Being a team is always a main goal! We’re always trying to form a connection. We love to throw little get together parties to get to know each other, especially to help welcome newcomers. Whether it’s swimming or decorating locker signs for the new year, connecting with one another is always a blast.
HK: In the summer we have our camp at the end of July where we learn our competition routine and all of our halftime routines. We go through our school song, sidelines and pregame marching arms. During the fall we perform at all home football games and pep rallies. We also participate in community events like the JDRF Walk and Safety Saturday at the Dupage County Fairgrounds.
Bonding as a team is huge for me. If we do not have chemistry off the dance floor, then we definitely won’t have it during our performances. It is important to be an accountable team member, to trust each other and to motivate each other throughout practices and performances. We will end each practice with some form of team bonding this season. We will either do an activity as a whole or meet up with our pom pals to discuss goals, what we are doing to reach them and how our pom pals can assist in reaching them.
What is the Raiderettes’ performance and comp schedule like?
HK: We perform at all home football games and pep rallies. We will be competing in 5 competitions, not including sectionals.

How about the practice schedule?
HK: We practice Monday, Wednesday and Friday to allow for girls to take studio classes on Tuesday and Thursday. On home game weeks, we practice on Thursday mornings at 6am.
Where do the Raiderettes usually practice?
HK: We usually practice in the auditorium or in the commons. We will honestly practice anywhere we can. During competition season, we really push for gym space, but it is hard when you have the basketball season going on. We will usually have more morning practices during competition season so that we can get gym time in.

Tell us about your own dance background and your approach to coaching.
HK: I started dancing at age 5 and went to the Academy of Dance Arts where I was on Steppin’ Out Dance Company. I went to Glenbard South and was on varsity dance all 4 years (captain junior year and senior year). I became the JV coach 2 years ago and this will be my first year as head coach! I truly enjoyed my time as a Raiderette and I love that I get to coach the team that I used to be a part of. My goal is to make sure these girls have the same positive experience that I had, all while pushing them to be their best.
“Stop wishing, start doing” is my motto. We can wish to go to state all we want, but that is not what is going to get us there. Hard work, determination, motivating each other and pushing ourselves as dancers and teammates is ultimately what is going to get us there.
Any favorite memories from last season?
SL: My best memories always have to do with football season. I love the giggles and inside jokes shared on the sidelines under the Friday night lights. We have cute little pasta parties before each football game where everyone gets hyper on lemonade and brownies. After each game we always go to Portillo’s and have a blast. My favorite memories are always games nights. Especially homecoming week! Who could say no to a week spent of pep rallies, games, and sleepovers!!

What are you looking forward to this season?
SL: This season I’m looking forward to a fresh start. I can’t wait to get to know my team made up of some past veterans and new girls that I’m so excited to bond with! I’m hoping for a great senior year where I can enjoy what’s left of my favorite sport.
HK: I am so excited to watch these two groups of girls grow together as one team. It is always amazing to see the improvement that is made from the beginning of the fall season to the end of the winter season. There is so much talent on this team and I cannot wait to see where this season goes.
Fun / quirky facts about the team and its members, or any extra things you’d like to add
SL: Our team is the best combo of girls you’ll ever see. We have girls ranging from Star Wars lovers to Hannah Montana fanatics and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The amount of inside jokes created will forever stay with me.

Glenbard South Raiderettes at State
HALFTIME ILLINOIS 2006: qualified for and hosted this organization’s state competition
TDI 2009: 8th in AA Kick