Sectional Preview: 3A-2 at Glenbrook South

Sectional Preview: 3A-2 at Glenbrook South

Just try picking a top 6 out of these routines:

1stStevensonlyrical94.6794.67, 91.40, 92.80, 90.10, 89.5
2ndLake Parkopen dance / jazz93.00x, 92.3, 92.33, 93.0
3rdGlenbard Northhip hop92.5790.77, 92.3, 92.57
4thGlenbard Northpom92.5087.50, 91.77, 92.50,
5thSchaumburgopen dance / jazz92.285.93, x, 92.2, 81.9
6thStevensonopen dance / jazz92.0385.20, 92.03, 89.43, 90.00, 89.0
7thFremdkick91.7789.80, x, 89.90, 91.77,
8thSt. Charles Northpom90.2388.50, 90.23, 86.53
9thFremdpom90.1788.80, x, 88.73, 90.17,
10thGlenbrook Southpom90.0780.0, 90.07
11thSt. Charles Northlyrical88.7088.70, 88.70, 86.00
12thSt. Charles Eastlyrical88.5778.13, 83.33, 88.57, 84.10
13thConantpom88.0373.20, 76.93, 77.5, 88.03
14thSt. Charles Eastpom87.2776.7, 87.27, 68.60, 76.97
15thGlenbrook Southopen dance / jazz87.0082.87, 87.00
16thWheaton Northpom85.9777.53, 81.73, 81.57, 85.97, 83.40
17thBartlettopen dance / jazz85.6785.67
18thLake Parkhip hop85.37x, 85,37, 85.3
19thBuffalo Grovepom84.671.27, 78.03, 73.1, 81.53, 84.6
20thHerseyopen dance / jazz83.0073.03, 83.00
21stPalatinepom80.7772.03, 76.83, 75.8, 80.77
22ndBartletthip hop77.4777.47
23rdWest Chicagohip hop76.73x, x, 70.2, 76.57, 76.73
24thWest Chicagopom75.50x, x, 75.50, 74.83
25thWheaton Warrenville Southpom75.1075.10
26thWheaton Warrenville Southlyrical72.0772.07

It’s pretty clear that this sectional group is the Big One.

It’s also pretty clear that some very good teams and routines will be left out.

This info is only organized by the highest score of each routine this season, but we should also take into account when those scores are from.  Take Stevenson’s lyrical and that astronomically high 94.67: it came at Fremd on November 23, and it’s been a downward slide ever since.

Then there’s Lake Park’s jazz, consistent in the 92 – 93 range.

And props go to Glenbard North for consistently putting both of their routines, for the most part, in the 90-92 range.

Ranked 5th on our list is Schaumburg, but this is a little unpredictable with their scores coming in a wide range (plus that high score was at their own competition at Sears Centre).

Fremd’s kick also looks pretty stable in that high 88 to 90 range.

Then there are those few routines who’ve steadily climbed and could sneak in that top 6 if everything goes right: St. Charles East’s lyrical, Conant’s pom, and Buffalo Grove’s pom.  With the max number of appearances, these teams probably put a lot of effort into tweaking their routines after each round of feedback they got from the judges.  I think that in itself is a victory for these teams, no matter what happens on Saturday.

Almost the only thing to be sure about is that some great routine will come in 7th, locked out of Bloomington.  It’s the most exciting sectional, but it’s definitely the one you don’t want to dance in.